My Work


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Type of Text: Poetry

What I liked about this project: Nikki was a great communicator and responsive to my feedback. Her writing was beautiful and impressive! I hope more readers get to see her work soon.
Type of Text: Novel

What I liked about this project: I got to work on this novel in many stages: from its beginnings on Vella to its publishing on Kindle as a whole novel. Aaron was a very active client, often sending updates and questions about my feedback, and as a result we are both really proud of the final product. Not to mention, communicating with Aaron was delightful—she’s down-to-earth, friendly, and positive.

Wesley’s Heart
Kyelle Aaron
Click here to order on Kindle or
here for paperback.

Crystal County Chronicles
Elias Barnes

Click here to read on Kindle Vella.
Type of Text: Novel

What I liked about this project: Many of the characters in this novel have heavy accents. I really enjoyed seeing how Barnes played with spelling and punctuation to express that, and loved being a part of keeping these mechanics consistent.
Type of Text: Novel

What I liked about this project: I’ve worked with Netti before and have gotten to know his writing style, and even got to see growth in his strength as a writer. As always, the story was compelling and I can’t wait for others to get to read it!

Click here to order.
Type of Text: Novel

What I liked about this project: The complexity of this story was interesting as a reader, and a good challenge as a proofreader. While working with Netti, I had to learn to keep track of important events and relationships between characters to ensure their consistency.
Type of Text: Poetry Chapbooks

What I liked about these projects: Poetry gives writers and editors alike a lot more freedom in formatting than there is in other types of texts. Joseph and I had to decide how typical grammar rules may help or hinder the overall messages and make decisions as a team.

Click here to order the two-book series.
Type of Text: Novel

What I liked about this project: I had not read the first part of When Earth Had a Moon, so I had to communicate with Cunning about plot points and make inferences about events that had occurred in the preceding story. This sparked my interest in working with other series.
Type of Text: Short Story

What I liked about this project: There were many characters in this story, so I experienced firsthand the importance of keeping a list of people and places. I will take this knowledge into all of my future editing projects!

Click here to order and read the first three books in the Road Raptors series.
Type of Text: Novella

What I liked about this project: I was given free rein in this project, so I got to learn a lot about my style as a proofreader. Lovan put a lot of trust in my services, including my linguistic expertise for his Spanish-speaking characters.


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